
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pepperoni and Cheese Stuffed Cresent Rolls with Marinara

I wanted to make an easy meal,  and this was just the thing. Flakey,  buttery, cresent rolls, with a gooey, cheesy, pepperoni studded filling.  Oh yes! 

You will need:
  • Can of tomato sauce
  • 1 package of your favorite type of crescent rolls (I used the butter flake, 8 ct)
  • mini pepperoni
  • mozzarella, shredded about 1/4 cup
  • monterrey jack, shredded about 1/4 cup
  • Munster cheese, shredded about 1/4 cup
  • Italian seasoning
  • Oregano
  • thyme
  • Granulated garlic 
  • Granulated onion 
  • basil
  • parsley
  • sugar

After looking through the recipe list, I'm sure you're wondering where the measurements for the spices are. If it's a recipe I created myself, I always season to taste,  so I will have pictures lower down demonstrating how much I added. As for the Italian seasoning, it does have all the other spices I listed,  as well as some others (bay leaf, dried bell pepper, fennel, etc.), I like having more of those certain spices in my sauce, so I added more. I used Del Alpe brand Italian seasoning,  and it's kind of hard to find,  unless you happen have an Italian market nearby.  That being said,  use whatever Italian seasoning you can find,  or prefer. 

To begin, put the tomato sauce in a small saucepan,  on medium heat. Add the spices.

 Granulated garlic
 Granulated onion
Italian seasoning

I always add about a teaspoon of sugar as well, it helps with the slightly bitter tang that tomato sauce can have. 

Let the sauce simmer while you assemble the cresent rolls.

Preheat the oven to 350°

Unroll the cresent rolls, and place on a cutting board so it will be easier to assemble. 

Next, mix up your cheeses (if you prefer,  you can just use 3/4 cup of mozzarella,  instead of mixing cheeses)

 Put a little bit of pepperoni on the cresent dough, like so,

 Then, a pinch of cheese, with more strategically placed pepperoni on top.

 Now, take the two corners,  and fold them onto the cheese, like it's hugging it.

If you've ever seen a burrito being rolled, like Chipotle does, you can guess what to do next.  Otherwise,  stuff as much cheese back into the little pocket as you can,  while rolling the dough over itself. 

 After completely rolling, pinch the two open ends together so as much cheese as possible stays inside. 

Place on a foil lined baking sheet,  sprayed with cooking spray. (Or if you have one,  a Silpat. It's by far, my favorite baking accessory. If you don't have one,  get one. It's about $25 at Bed Bath and Beyond, and nothing sticks to it,  not even burnt sugar, or in this case,  melted cheese. Well worth the price!)

I know,  I know.  They look terrible,  but hey,  I can promise they taste delicious! 

Bake for about 12 minutes,  or until golden brown. 

 Serve with the marinara on the side,  for all your dipping pleasure! 

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